The Medway Housing Authority has updated its HUD Admissions and Continued Occupancy Plan with assistance from Nan McKay & Associates. This draft will be before the Medway HA Board of Commissioners for consideration and approval. The only substantial change from current practices is contained within Chapter 4, Waitlist Preferences
ACO Glossary 3-16
Medway - ACO Title Page 6-2021
Medway ACO 00 Introduction 6-2021
Medway ACO 01 Overview 6-2021
Medway ACO 02 Fair Housing 6-2021
Medway ACO 03 Eligibility 6-2021
Medway ACO 04 Applications 6-2021
Medway ACO 05 Occupancy 6-2021
Medway ACO 06 Income 6-2021
Medway ACO 07 Verification 6-2021
Medway ACO 08 Leasing 6-2021
Medway ACO 09 Reexaminations 6-2021
Medway ACO 10 Pets 6-2021
Medway ACO 11 Community Service 6-2021
Medway ACO 12 Transfer Policy 6-2021
Medway ACO 13 Lease Terminations 6-2021
Medway ACO 14 Grievances 6-2021
Medway ACO 15 Program Integrity 6-2021
Medway ACO 16 Prog Admin 6-2021
Medway ACO TOC 6-2021